Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Song of the day: Sin Wagon by The Dixie Chicks

Hello All.
I've been thinking about starting all my posts with songs, but I have forgotten up until now. I may go back and edit in the songs I wanted to add, but we'll see if I'm dedicated enough for that.

This week I went into the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf and it was great. The people who work there are SO nice and I don't think I realized before now quite how much I like being around kids. Something (inside me?) feels like it's changing. Not quite a clear sentence, but that's about all I got right now.

New goals. I completely forgot to write them in my journals for the 5th week. Sign production: apparently I am not crisp sometimes. I should work on producing my signs clearly. and #2 More connections: theatre, PSD, possibly to visits with Ruth, etc.

Well, that's about all I can think of right now. Except that it's already March 5th. I only have 1 more month. I don't know how I'm going to get everything done. Somehow...

Thanks for reading!

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