Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Something to Write About

I know that I haven't been writing too much in here, but is partially because I haven't felt like there have been huge happenings that have required writing about. But I was thinking today and some things came to mind.

1. Deaf church. I've been going there for the majority of my internship, about 2 months I guess, and there are definite things I like about it. The people for instance. The majority of the church members are in their 70s and are really awesome. = ). I've been staying for the service and soon afterwards I jet off to be at the church my parents attend, but last Sunday I decided to just stay at the Deaf church for a while. It was such a good decision. I got to talking with these 3 older guys who had all gone to school together (the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf) growing up and they were teasing each other and talking about how they won the football championships in 1950. It was so much fun. One of the best conversations I've had. I walked away from it smiling and feeling really good.

2. Mountains. Earlier in the semester I went to Maryland to visit my friend Michelle (and Jeff came from Goshen to meet us there). I was there over the weekend and on Sunday we went to church. The pastor was talking about mountains. How you work so hard to move a mountain. Try to find ways over it and under it and around it. And sometimes nothing works. But during those times, maybe you need to work with the mountain. Maybe that mountain will be a blessing to you. You'll mine it and find diamonds. So just take a second and talk to the mountain, learn from it.
Personally? I've had some mountains. I've got some mountains in my life right now and I've been fighting with them, yelling at them, crying, but nothing seems to work. And I have a picture in my head of me sitting at the base of a mountain, cross-legged, staring at this mountain. An exercise in patience and trust. And I don't have a great success story for you...yet. Just wanted to let you know that I'm on the journey. = )

That is all. lol

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