Friday, February 22, 2008


Driving stick shift is hard. And frustrating to learn. I'm gonna need a few days before I can go back to it. Grrr...

1 comment:

Well said...

hey babe!
thinkin of you. miss you. sending all-the-reasons-mercy-rocks vibes your way. glad you have sylvia, and i know she can be a little touchy but i love you both so i'm sure you'll work it out:) (don't get too discouraged 'bout stick shifts in general-- Sylvia's a little more difficult than some).
I'd love to spend some quality time chatting w/ you; i've been trying to figure out what the purpose for this internship is too, and if I have the stamina to get through all the times I'm going to get things wrong before I learn to do it right w/o thinking. It's gonna take a while, so I try to remember that it's all "part of the process," tho that doesn't make it less frustrating.
Double edge sword of our program-- we come out of it knowing how important it is to be really qualified, but knowing enough to be highly conscious of our not-yet-qualified-ness.
Love you lots m'dear, gotta run.